
【食譜】健康免烤純素點心:能量球|[recipe] bliss balls/energy balls

bliss balls

(English recipe is available down below)




因為用大量的椰棗去製作,所以吃下去之後補充了能量,所以才叫做能量球!英文除了bliss ball(幸福球)也有energy ball之稱。在穆斯林齋戒月時,有些人會在齋戒開始前先吃一顆帝王椰棗來準備一天,所以或許在運動前吃下一顆能量球也能帶來更大的力量?!


  • 去籽的帝王椰棗 200克(我用20顆)
  • 杏仁 100克
  • 花生醬 1湯匙(或其他堅果醬)
  • 鹽 少許
  • 純可可粉 1.5湯匙(如果喜歡巧克力味可多加一些)

// 額外的外衣選擇(也可省略):

  • 大麻籽(含健康蛋白質)
  • 爆藜麥(pop-qinoa)
  • 白芝麻
  • 純可可粉
  • 抹茶粉
  • 椰子絲
  1. 將椰棗和杏仁加入食物調理機中直到杏仁被打成小碎片(如果沒有調理機也可以用力一點的刀把他們剁碎)
  2. 將花生醬、鹽、可可粉都加入調理機中直到所有食材混合均勻至一個團狀
  3. 用手將它搓成約20顆球狀
  4. 將能量球滾上自己所選擇的外衣口味


/* bliss ball 能量球 */ Super easy – super fast – healthy snack!


Bliss balls are kind of my staple snack that I often have in my freezer. You might sometimes find them in coffee shops (not THE coffee shops as in the Netherlands) and they are soooooo easy to make, plus, relatively quite cheap if you make it by yourself!

You will only need 5 ingredients (plus additional topping if you fancy)
I used hemp seeds and pop-quinoa this time.

Eet smakelijk! (enjoy the food in Dutch)

bliss balls/ energy balls (vegan/ gluten-free)

easy, healthy, and no-bake dessert made by dates
Prep Time 15 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Course Snack
Cuisine American
Servings 20 balls


  • 200 g pitted dates about 20 big dates
  • 100 g almonds
  • 1 tbsp peanut butter or other preferable nut butter
  • a pinch salt
  • 1.5 tbsp cocoa powder add more if you want a more chocolaty taste

optional/ additional toppings

  • 1 tbsp hemp seeds
  • 1 tbsp shredded coconut
  • 1 tbsp pop-qinoa
  • 1 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1 tbsp sesame seeds
  • 1 tbsp matcha powder


  • blend pitted dates and almonds in a food processor until the almonds are in small chunks (or you can cut them with a knife, but it takes time)
  • add peanut butter, salt, and cocoa powder in to food processor and blend everything together until it form a smooth dough-paste mixture
  • use your hands to form about 20 balls from the mixture
  • roll the balls on the toppings you like!


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