
【食譜】紅豆甜年糕(無精製糖)[recipe] Sweet rice cake with adzuki beans (gluten-free, no refined sugar, vegan)

(English version is available down below in this post)







  • 去籽帝王椰棗 60克
  • 水 200克
  • 糯米粉 150克
  • 紅豆餡(不一定要加,看個人喜好)70克


  1. 將水和椰棗用食物調理機或破壁機打成漿
  2. 將糯米粉倒入1.中並混合均勻
  3. 將紅豆餡加入並混合均勻,可依自行喜好調整份量
  4. 放入事先鋪好烘焙紙的模具並蒸約20分鐘(如果是用電鍋蒸,用一杯水放置外鍋)
  5. 取出後放涼
before steaming/ 還沒蒸的樣子

// 甜年糕可以切片用煎的,我記得我奶奶都是用炸的,我其實覺得直接吃也好吃,或者是加入甜湯中當作配量也行!
// 以上食譜也可以用比例的方式自行去增加或減少年糕的大小


1. 用新鮮乾紅豆(不用泡)和水1:3的比例放入鑄鐵鍋中煮約1.5小時
2. 後加入糖(依自行口味下去調整)
3. 就會變成只有少量湯的綿密紅豆餡

// 用電鍋煮也可以,但外鍋要再加入兩次水蒸(跳起來後再加一次)。


Rice cake is a traditional snack in Taiwan during the Lunar New Year celebration. I remember my grandma always fried the sweet rice cake for new year! It is quite nostalgic food for me. In fact, I love most of the rice cake dishes, from Korean tteokbokki (savoury and spice) to Japanese mochi (sweet). The texture is so chewy and the more you chew it, the more you can taste the pure flavour of rice itself!

It is almost the time for lunar new year this year and I noticed that it is actually very easy to make the traditional taiwanese sweet rice cake! With only 3 ingredients: water, sugar, and glutinous rice flour (with ratio 1:1:1), however, I dislike that amount of sugar get into my body. That is why I made this healthier version of rice cake, in stead of sugar, I use dates! (Yes, this wonderful fruit again)

The texture is still chewy but less sweet and healthier. I also added sweet adzuki bean paste, but I know some people can’t accept sweet beans. It is a very common flavour in Taiwan for sweet rice cake.

sweet adzuki bean paste

If you prefer to add sweet adzuki bean paste, you can either make it by yourself or by it in an Asian supermarket. I made it by myself just with fresh dry adzuki beans and water (ratio 1:3), cook it in a cast iron pot for about 1.5 hours. Add desire amount sugar afterwards. It should be a dry-ish but very soft bean paste.

This bean paste is very versatile. You can add more water for sweet adzuki bean soup, or add it on bread. I know it might sounds weird, but I grew up in a sweet beans culture. I’ve never tried savoury beans before I came to the Netherlands, and I hated it at the beginning.

How to eat the sweet rice cake

There are many ways of eating it. Traditionally, people simply deep fry it after slice the rice cake. If that is not your cup of tea, you can also grill it, or even bake it in an oven. It is edible anyway after steaming. I eat it as how it is sometimes, or add it in a sweet soup.

Sweet adzuki bean rice cake (年糕)- vegan, gluten-free, no refined sugar

A healthier version of traditional lunar new year snack in Taiwan
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course Snack
Cuisine Taiwanese
Servings 4 people


  • blender


sweet rice cake

  • 60 g pitted madjool dates
  • 200 g water
  • 150 g glutinous rice flour

adzuki bean paste

  • 70 g bean paste You can use store-bought or make it as the instruction above this post


  • Blend dates and water together until it is smooth
  • Add the flour in the dates mixture and combine them well
  • Add adzuki bean paste (you can leave this step if you're not a fan of sweet beans)
  • pour the mixture in to a container with baking sheet on it
  • Steam it for about 20 minutes
  • Let it cool down completely
Keyword lunar new year

Eet smakelijk!


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